New year’s resolutions for independent agents

New year’s resolutions for independent agents

5 ways to breathe new life into your brokerage business

Everyone loves a fresh start. Independent agents get a chance to rethink, change course, set bold new sales goals. But most of us lose focus before spring. Why? Because we don’t map out clear actions that make things materialize. So this year, instead of just aiming high and crossing your fingers, stick with these concrete, doable actions and create tangible results in your business.

1. Launch a simple monthly newsletter

This doesn’t mean a glossy piece of marketing with 10 well-researched articles. It can be a quick personal e-mail. Keep it simple. The idea is consistent contact. Let them know you are available. Give them a bit of insurance news, advice, a few tips to save money or stay out of harm’s way. And be yourself — personal touch is a big differentiator for independent agents.

2. Improve your sales + marketing knowledge

Knowing how to sell, get leads and engage with clients will inevitably grow your business. And there are so many simple ways to grow your business when you know how sales and marketing work. We publish plenty of marketing tips right here, but if you want a deeper dive, read books or listen to podcasts about web optimization, video marketing or lead gen strategies.

3. Practice sales conversations

Spend a few hours a month on this. Write scripts for different insurance lines and practice selling them to a colleague. You will be more agile and prepared. Record your voice in sales conversations and give yourself some auto-feedback. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel and the more natural your sales pitches will sound.

4. Get regular referrals

Do you leverage existing contacts to expand your network? We sometimes hope people will recommend us, but real results come from giving specific directives to existing clients, family, friends, professional contacts, associations, community contacts, etc. It’s normal to ask for referrals! People are happy to help. Send out a clear request by email or SMS and ask for three people they know that might need better coverage this year. Include a link to a page on your web that spells out the benefits of doing business with you.

5. Refresh your profiles

It’s a great time to create, or redo, your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or other professional profiles. Make sure each one clearly presents you and makes it easy for people to get in touch. Then, create pathways to your profiles, so people can follow and engage with you. Be sure to follow MacNeill Group, and we’ll follow you back! It’s all about expanding presence and staying connected. Once you add social icons to your website, digital email signature, everywhere, the next step is engagement. This post will make it easier to get started or stay inspired.

New Year’s resolutions are a powerful tool. We just need to give them legs so they can carry us to results. May this year be your best yet!

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